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6 June 2017

Old people crazy to paint

David Cutler
Youth has never necessarily been the pinnacle of an artistic career as the British Museum's "Hokusai - beyond the wave" exhibition clearly shows....
31 May 2017

The Posh Club – progressive working class entertainment for elegant elders

Simon Casson
The Posh Club is a glamorous cabaret and high tea for elegant elders and swanky senior citizens... Its producer, Simon Casson, explains how it works...
16 May 2017

Speaking of unspoken things

François Matarasso
Considering the role of art in marking fundamental moments in life, including death.
9 May 2017

There are challenges but the case for arts in care homes is overwhelming

David Cutler
A version of a speech delivered by David Cutler, Director of the Baring Foundation, to the conference at the Art Council of Northern Ireland.
26 April 2017

Life is for living: artistry in old age

François Matarasso
François Matarasso gave this talk at the Independent Creative Living Conference in Gateshead in June 2016 on why creative agency, the ability to act as an artist, is as important in old age as in any other time of life.
24 April 2017

Welsh magic: what’s behind the magnificent work taking place in arts with older people in Wales?

David Cutler
David Cutler asks what makes Wales so rich in terms of creative ageing opportunities for its older people.
18 April 2017

The road to the future

David Cutler
Why the Baring Foundation is supporting the Independent Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
10 April 2017

Is it time to stop talking about independence?

Caroline Slocock, Civil Exchange
Caroline sums up the findings of the 6th annual health check on the independence of the voluntary sector - A Shared Society?
Strengthening Civil Society
4 April 2017

Remembering, curiosity and creativity

David Cutler
David Cutler explains why we fund age-friendly museums.
27 March 2017

The stage is ageing – applause!

David Cutler
The Baring Foundation's Director, David Cutler, considers the growth in theatre for and by older people.