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7 August 2018

At Spare Tyre, the artistic journey continues well beyond 60

Arti Prashar, Spare Tyre
Spare Tyre is 40 this year. Its Artistic Director/CEO, Arti Prashar, explains how its work with older people has developed.
Blog post: Arts
24 August 2020

How literature can be a lifeline to support mental health

Rachel Parker
Rachel Parker of The Reader in Liverpool explains how they use shared reading of great literature to help improve mental health and resilience in settings including prisons, secure mental health units and the community.
Blog post: Arts
17 July 2018

How can training support high-quality arts in care homes? A reflection on our new report

David Cutler
Penny Allen's insightful research reveals wide provision, serving both the arts and care sectors, and poses some important questions about what more needs to be done to support the delivery of high-quality arts in this setting.
Blog post: Arts

Can I apply?

Answers to commonly asked questions about applying for funding.

Information for grantholders


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17 March 2016

Independence in Question: the voluntary sector in 2016

Caroline Slocock, Civil Exchange
The independence of the voluntary sector has hit a five year low according to Civil Exchange’s new report, Independence in Question.
Blog post: Strengthening Civil Society
16 November 2017

How to use the law for social change

Shauneen Lambe, Just for Kids Law
Law and human rights based approaches are important tools for the voluntary sector; and there is already some research about how the voluntary sector can use it well.
Blog post: Strengthening Civil Society
23 May 2018

Arts and culture are vital threads in the fabric of living

Sir Nick Serota
In Dementia Awareness Week, Nick Serota says we must make sure that these threads are sustained through later life.
Blog post: Arts
2 April 2020

Give those feelings ceilings – my reflections on art and mental health

George Harding
George Harding is the cover artist for Creatively Minded. In this blog he explains how he came to painting and the importance of organisations like Bethlem Gallery and the Studio Upstairs in helping people to be creative.
Blog post: Arts