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15 August 2018

Time & Tide provide artistic inspiration for a group of older residents on the Isle of Wight

Hannah Griffiths
Older residents from the Isle of Wight have produced wonderful works of art - from sculpture to tapestry - with Independent Arts, supported by our joint 'Celebrating Age' fund with the Arts Council England
7 August 2018

At Spare Tyre, the artistic journey continues well beyond 60

Arti Prashar, Spare Tyre
Spare Tyre is 40 this year. Its Artistic Director/CEO, Arti Prashar, explains how its work with older people has developed.
17 July 2018

How can training support high-quality arts in care homes? A reflection on our new report

David Cutler
Penny Allen's insightful research reveals wide provision, serving both the arts and care sectors, and poses some important questions about what more needs to be done to support the delivery of high-quality arts in this setting.
19 June 2018

Monday afternoon at the flicks

David Cutler
More and more projects and arts venues are engaging older people in cinema, whether dementia-friendly screenings or participatory art workshops drawing on the love of film that many of us have. David Cutler reviews some recent projects.
23 May 2018

Arts and culture are vital threads in the fabric of living

Sir Nick Serota
In Dementia Awareness Week, Nick Serota says we must make sure that these threads are sustained through later life.
22 May 2018

‘We want to be remembered’

François Matarasso
‘Bed’, devised and performed by Entelechy Arts Elders’ Company, went on tour to Southbank Centre's (B)old festival last week. Baring Foundation trustee, François Matarasso, writes about the piece.
9 May 2018

Be More Us – and artfully!

David Cutler
David Cutler welcomes the new Be More Us campaign to encourage the small moments of human connection which can make a big difference all of us, and which the arts are particularly good at facilitating.
1 May 2018

Setting up community artists studios in care settings for older people

Esther Collins, Cubitt Artists
Since 2014 Cubitt Artists have worked in partnership with Notting Hill Genesis to support artists in studio spaces in a care setting in Islington...
16 March 2018

Getting creative with dementia

David Cutler
Arts for people living with dementia are blooming. David Cutler reviews some notable projects and programmes from dance to singing to theatre.
23 February 2018

Postcard from Taiwan: dreams never age!

David Cutler
An exchange with Taiwan on the theme of creative ageing reveals some inspiring projects from one of the world's fastest ageing societies.