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30 October 2023

Using human rights based approaches to achieve change in London: seeking a Learning Partner

We are looking for a Learning Partner to support a five-year programme to increase the use of human rights based approaches to achieve change for communities in London
Strengthening Civil Society
25 October 2023

Human rights and access to justice the focus of nearly £800,000 in new grants

New grants by our Strengthening Civil Society programme include collaborations with the Community Foundation NI, the Access to Justice Foundation, City Bridge Trust and with Scottish grant-makers for a new Scottish human rights fund.
Strengthening Civil Society
10 October 2023

What does the future hold for creative ageing?

On the day of a major conference on creative ageing in Newcastle, we are publishing two new reports to celebrate the movement's achievements and to look forward to its future.
20 June 2023

Art, refugees and mental health: a new report

"Hostile environments aren’t conducive to good mental health. Supportive, caring artists and creativity are." This new report by Counterpoints Arts highlights the importance of the arts for refugees experiencing trauma and poor mental health.
13 March 2023

Our funding in 2022. Read our annual report

Our 2022 Report on Activities reports on our grantmaking for the year, which totalled over £3.3million.
3 November 2022

How can museums engage with people with mental health problems?

Targeted engagement by museums with people with mental health problems is relatively rare, despite a strong commitment to inclusivity and wellbeing. This new report makes the case - through a series of case studies - for more work in this area.
23 September 2022

A systems approach could improve the lottery of arts provision in care homes

Access to arts and culture for England's 419,000 older people living in care homes is currently a lottery. Our new report shows how a systems approach - involving both arts and social care - could help change this.
22 September 2022

What are the benefits of reflective practice for artists working in mental health?

A new report by Flourishing Lives evaluates free reflective practice sessions for artists from 12 organisations working in mental health.
20 September 2022

Support for independent funding for human rights in Scotland

The Baring Foundation is one of a group of funders who have commissioned the Social Change Initiative to help inform the future of funding for human rights in Scotland.
Strengthening Civil Society
10 August 2022

Love in a cold climate – creativity in care in Finland: UK & Ireland tour!

Join us on 9 September for a special event on arts, culture and creativity in care in Finland