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23 October 2017

Creating artists in residents: a national arts in care homes participatory and mentoring programme

Age Cymru
Evaluation of Age Cymru's highly successful cARTrefu programme which organised residencies for professional artists in care home across Wales.
5 October 2017

Arts in care homes: online resource

Social Care Institute for Excellence
An online resource of arts activities for care homes.
30 August 2017

The role of local authorities in creative ageing

David Cutler
How a focus on the arts for older people can enhance local authorities' delivery and effectiveness, often without huge financial resources.
19 June 2017

Growing the creative ageing movement: international lessons for the UK

Alice Thwaite
Showcases the learning and experiences from a 'Creative Ageing' fellowship scheme run by Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.
13 June 2017

Civil Society Futures: research report summary

Civil Society Futures
The first report of the Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society, exploring current trends and identifying future possibilities for civil society.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
5 April 2017

A shared society? The independence of the voluntary sector in 2017

Civil Exchange
The sixth in a series of annual health checks of the relationship between the state and the voluntary sector.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
13 February 2017

Report on Activities 2016

A report on the Baring Foundation's activities in 2016.
11 January 2017

Successful use of strategic litigation by the voluntary sector

Lisa Vanhala
This paper brings together ten examples from the UK of successful strategic litigation, stretching over a decade and covering a wide variety of issues of discrimination and disadvantage.
Strengthening Civil Society
1 January 2017

Report and financial statements 2016

Baring Foundation
For the year ended 31 December 2016
12 July 2016

Struggle for autonomy and relevance

Mariam Armisen
A landscape analysis of trans*-led and lesbian-led organising in sub-Saharan Africa.
International Development