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13 June 2018

Using the law for social change: a landscape review

Lisa Vanhala & Jacqui Kinghan
This review outlines existing knowledge on use of the law and human rights based approaches by the voluntary sector in the different countries of the UK.
Strengthening Civil Society
11 January 2017

Successful use of strategic litigation by the voluntary sector

Lisa Vanhala
This paper brings together ten examples from the UK of successful strategic litigation, stretching over a decade and covering a wide variety of issues of discrimination and disadvantage.
Strengthening Civil Society
27 July 2016

Framework for effective use of the law by voluntary sector organisations (1st edition)

Lisa Vanhala
A framework of typologies for the use of the law and for types of voluntary sector organisation using the law.
Strengthening Civil Society
12 January 2016

Judicial review and rule of law

An Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, Part 4, for Charities and Not-for-Profits.
Strengthening Civil Society
12 September 2015

Effective use of the law and human rights by the voluntary sector

Neil Crowther
Outlines the potential value of law and human rights based approaches to the voluntary sector and highlights existing good practice.
Strengthening Civil Society
21 July 2015

Funding for Black, Asian & other minority ethnic communities

Voice4Change England
Analysis of the gap in funding for the BAME voluntary and community sector.
Strengthening Civil Society
20 July 2015

Place-based funding: developing the ecology of the social sector

Margaret Bolton
An examination of options for developing the ecology of the social sector at the local level.
Strengthening Civil Society
20 July 2015

Changing communities

Marilyn Taylor & Mandy Wilson
How funders could support voluntary and community organisations to adapt to local demographic and cultural change.
Strengthening Civil Society
2 July 2015

Beyond 2015

Equality and Diversity Forum
A collection of essays from the Equality and Diversity Forum and EDF Research Network.
Strengthening Civil Society
3 January 2014

The Low Commission Report on social welfare legal advice

An investigation into the state of social welfare advice and representation.
Strengthening Civil Society