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1 April 2007

Sources of strength

Cathy Pharoah
An analysis of most of the 515 applications to the STVS 'Independence' programme in 2006.
Strengthening Civil Society
1 March 2007

Foundations for organisational development: practice in the UK and USA

Meg Abdy & Margaret Bolton
A review of ten organisational development programmes run by funders in the UK and US.
2 November 2006

Gains and strains: The voluntary sector in the UK 1996-2006

Nicholas Deakin
Speech by Professor Nicholas Deakin C.B.E.
2 October 2006

Allies not servants

Matthew Smerdon
The first in a series of papers that accompanied the Foundation's Strengthening the Voluntary Sector 'Independence' programme, setting out why the Foundation is interested in the issue of independence.
2 September 2006

Exhibiting support: developing volunteering in museums

Institute for Volunteering Research
A report on recruitment and involvement, management and funding of volunteers in the museum sector.
2 August 2006

Finding the right support?

Beth Tarleton, Linda Ward & Joyce Hawarth
A review of the issues and positive practice in supporting parents with learning difficulties and their children.
2 August 2005

Support for disapora organisations in London following the Asian Tsunami

Ellie Robinson
A small scale piece of research on the experience of 21 mainly London based organisations after the tsunami on Boxing Day 2004.
International Development
2 December 2004

The grantmaking tango: issues for funders

Julia Unwin
What sort of funder do you want to be?
2 October 2004

Speaking truth to power

Julia Unwin
This paper looks back to the experience of the third sector in the first term of the Labour Government.
2 October 2003

Replicating successful voluntary sector projects

Diana Leat
Why don't successful voluntary sector projects spread more widely? This report is based on a literature review, case studies and interviews with funders and outlines seven stages in the process of replication.