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22 November 2012

Tackling loneliness in older age: the role of the arts

David Cutler
Case studies demonstrating how the arts can tackle loneliness among older people.
10 November 2012

Winter Fires: Art and agency in old age

François Matarasso
This book examines creativity in old age, its implications for our lives and for our culture.
24 October 2012

A new age: an examination of the changing state of health funding for arts activity with, by and for older people in England

London Arts in Health Forum
Opportunities and dangers presented by the unprecedented changes in the NHS for arts with older people.
22 October 2012

Interculturalism: a handbook for promoting action

Joy Warmington, brap
A handbook for facilitators both for work with grassroots communities and to help to shape policy.
15 October 2012

Learning from international development grant-making: a review of the Baring and John Ellerman Foundations’ programme

Tina Wallace
Interviews with representatives of UK and African grantees and other stakeholders to consider what can be learnt from the style of grant-making employed by the Baring and John Ellerman Foundations.
International Development
10 October 2012

Digital arts and older people: what is distinctive about working with older people using creative technology?

Joe Randall
Summary of a roundtable discussion by artists on this topic in September 2012.
24 September 2012

Older people and the arts: a mid term programme review

François Matarasso
A review of the Foundation's arts and older programme at the half-way point and consideration of priorities for the future.  
24 August 2012

Interculturalism: seminar May 2012

Notes of a seminar on the role and potential interculturalism to support current integration strategies.
24 July 2012

Health funding for arts work with older people

Summary of a roundtable discussion in April 2012.
24 June 2012

Interculturalism. A breakdown of thinking and practice: lessons from the field

Good practice from the winners of the Awards for Bridging Cultures.