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14 May 2015

A handbook for cultural engagement with older men

Ed Watts
At last! Advice on the perennial problem of involving older men which many arts organisations have found challenging.
13 February 2015

Report on Activities 2015

A report on the Baring Foundation's activities in 2015.
11 February 2015

An independent mission: the voluntary sector in 2015

The fourth and final report of the Panel on the Independence of the Voluntary Sector.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
7 November 2014

Making good: the future of the voluntary sector

A collection of essays by voluntary sector leaders.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
31 October 2014

Arts in care: a UK perspective

David Cutler
A version of a speech made by David Cutler in October 2014 to a conference in Perth on arts in care as part of the Luminate Festival.
13 February 2014

Report on Activities 2014

A report on the Baring Foundation's activities in 2014.
21 January 2014

Independence undervalued: the voluntary sector in 2014

The third report of the Panel on the Independence of the Voluntary Sector.
Independent Inquiry into the future of civil society
3 January 2014

The Low Commission Report on social welfare legal advice

An investigation into the state of social welfare advice and representation.
Strengthening Civil Society
18 December 2013

Creative ageing in the UK: past, present and future

David Cutler
A speech to the Fifth International Conference on Arts and Health on 12th November 2013 in Sydney.
15 November 2013

Local Authorities + Older People + Arts = A Creative Combination

David Cutler
This publication describes the unique combination of roles and interests by local authorities which make them the ideal champions for arts and older people.