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Funded projects

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2014 / 1 year

Entelechy Arts Ltd

To host a national symposium at the Albany, Deptford, London.
2014 / 1 year

Devon Guild of Craftsmen

To commission Hilary Paynter to make new wood engravings for exhibition and tour.
2014 / 1 year

Cubitt Artists Ltd

To stage a conference and produce a report on the theme of public wisdom.
2014 / 1 year

Creative Scotland

Towards the costs of the Luminate Festival of Arts for Older People in Scotland for one year.
2014 / 3 years

Counterpoints Arts

Towards the work of Counterpoint Arts on arts and refugees.
2014 / 1 year

Chris Avis

To support the development of a multi media art based production concerned with older artists.
2014 / 1 year

Care England

To provide match funding for a concise publication promoting the use of the arts in care homes.
2014 / 2 years

British Museum

To fund an Age Friendly Museums Network.
2014 / 1 year

British Council

Towards the costs of a study tour to Japan on Arts for an Ageing Society.
2014 / 1 year


To commission Bisakha Sarker to make a multi-media interactive work of art to be sited in the Vide - public space at the arts centre in Liverpool, and available for further touring.