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Funded projects

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2019 / 6 months

Foundation for Community Dance

To support the costs of a symposium on the Dance for Parkinson's initiative.
2019 / 1 year

Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective

International Development
Core costs support.
2019 / 1 year


International Development
Core costs support.
2019 / 1 year

Gender Dynamix

International Development
Core costs support.
2019 / 1 year

Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW)

International Development
Core costs support.
2018 / 6 months

Other Foundation

International Development
To support the further development of the Other Foundation's governance and operations.
2018 / 1 year

Friends, Families and Travellers

Strengthening Civil Society
To build the capacity of Friends, Families and Travellers and other GRT organisations to use Human Rights and Law supporting Gypsies & Travellers.
2018 / 18 months


Strengthening Civil Society
To coordinate a collaborative alliance and movement of third-sector organisations, working with academics and legal and advocacy advisors, towards achievement of new Food Rights.
2018 / 2 years

Centre for Women’s Justice

Strengthening Civil Society
To bring together specialist lawyers, academics and other experts with those working on the frontline as activists, survivors and service providers (across England and Wales) to bring strategic law challenges and ensure access to justice for victims of male violence.
2018 / 6 months

Centre for Charity Effectiveness

Strengthening Civil Society
For an additional evaluation of the Legal Advice Sector Leadership Development Programme.