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Funded projects

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2012 / 1 year

Creative Scotland

Contribution towards the second year of setting up and running a Festival of Arts for Older People in Scotland.
2012 / 1 year

B Arts Ltd

For research into Digital Continuing Biography in residential care settings,
2012 / 1 year

Arts 4 Dementia

To contribute towards the costs of an evaluation report on evidence of a programme of arts interventions from fourteen participatory arts projects at venues in London.
2012 / 1 year

Age NI

To contribute towards the costs of an international symposium in Ireland in 2012 on arts and older people.
2012 / 1 year

Women and Theatre (Birmingham) Ltd

To support a project in Birmingham involving six comedy courses at three residential care homes, led by community theatre worker and stand up comedienne Janice Connolly.
2012 / 3 months

Theatre De Complicite (Education) Ltd

To support a project called TEA, designed to bring older and younger people together to share stories at Dora House in St John's Wood.
2012 / 5 months

Talking Birds Theatre Company Limited

To support a project called "Hurdles" to take place in Coventry involving a care home, a primary school and the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum. Resulting in an exhibition of portraits and text exploring the stories of those who built post-war Coventry.
2012 / 1 year

Studio 3 Arts

To support a project connecting elderly people with complex needs to their immediate community on the Gascoigne Estate in Barking, through the collaborative building of a sensory garden and arts structures making the Maples Residential Centre and adjacent sheltered housing more visible and better understood within the community.
2011 / 3 years

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

To part-fund the costs of an adviser and travel costs for 2012-2014, relating to the Baring Foundation - Winston Churchill Memorial Trust partnership.
2011 / 1 year

Mental Health Foundation

To review the existing evidence available on the impact of the arts on the lives of older people.