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Funded projects

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2023 / 3 years

Bond (British Overseas NGOs Development)

Strengthening Civil Society
To support their work to counter shrinking civic space.
2023 / 1 year

The British Institute of Human Rights

Strengthening Civil Society
To act as a development partner on a new programme to promote and develop the use of human rights-based approaches for London-focused civil society organisations.
2023 / 1 year

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the UK (Just Fair)

Strengthening Civil Society
To act as a development partner on a new programme to promote and develop the use of human rights-based approaches for London-focused civil society organisations.
2022 / 1 year


Strengthening Civil Society
To research exploring the potential intersection between non-unanimous jury verdicts, miscarriage of justice and racial discrimination.
2022 / 3 years

Law Centres Network

Strengthening Civil Society
To work in-depth with three law centres (Suffolk, Vauxhall (Liverpool) and Derbyshire) to develop and scale hub activities in their locales to achieve longer-term social change for their communities and beyond.
2022 / 1 year

The PILS Project

Strengthening Civil Society
To deliver, in 2023, a residential supporting UK civil society to develop effective litigation strategies and better collaboration.
2022 / 4 months

Law Centres Network

Strengthening Civil Society
To develop a project between select law centres to begin or scale hub activities.
2022 / 1 year

Just for Kids Law

Strengthening Civil Society
To enable the Youth Justice Legal Centre to design, market and deliver specialist training to criminal defence lawyers to enable them to address racial injustice and improve client outcomes.
2022 / 18 months

Rights and Security International

Strengthening Civil Society
To use legal action to address racial and religious discrimination resulting from the implementation of the government's Prevent strategy.
2022 / 1 year

Coram Children’s Legal Centre

Strengthening Civil Society
To act as a legal hub for non-legal organisations to take collective action to promote and protect the rights of migrant and refugee children.