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Funded projects

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2020 / 1 year


Unrestricted funding for arts and mental health activity.
2020 / 1 year

Art Angel

Unrestricted funding for arts and mental health activity
2020 / 1 year

Mental Health Foundation

To launch the first Green Ribbon Mental Health Arts Festival in Wales to engage, show case, improve networks and explore options for future funding.
2020 / 1 year

London Arts in Health Forum

To produce an event aiming to share information and best practice around arts and mental health including Mind, recovery colleges and artists.
2019 / 4 years

National Activity Providers Association (NAPA)

To support NAPA to run an Annual National Day of Arts in Care Homes.
2019 / 2 years

Big Difference Company

To run an older people's fringe to the Leicester Comedy Festival in 2020 and 2021.
2019 / 1 year

FACT (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology)

To deliver, in conjunction with 64 Million Artists, a one-day conference on digital arts and creative ageing.
2019 / 3 years

Manchester Museums

To set up and run a sector support body for creative ageing in England.
2019 / 3 years

Arts Council Northern Ireland

As a contribution towards an Arts and Dementia Fund.
2019 / 1 year

Paintings in Hospitals

For a visual arts in care homes project.