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All news stories
25 June 2024

Our Strengthening Civil Society programme is looking for an evaluator

Help us evaluate the success of our Law & Social Change programme over the last 10 years.
Strengthening Civil Society

We are pleased to announce a call for tenders for an independent evaluation of our Strengthening Civil Society programme. In 2024, the programme will mark ten years of grantmaking in support of the use of the law and human rights-based approaches to achieve change.

The programme has a particular interest in collaborative legal action between civil society organisations with legal expertise and those without. Between January 2016 – March 2024, the programme has awarded 184 grants to 97 organisations, totalling just under £10.6m.

We are looking for an evaluator/s who can help us to take a step back and examine the programme’s work over the last five years, in particular:

  • have we met the objectives we set out for the programme?
  • where do we fit in, in relation to the rest of the funding sector, given our niche focus? and
  • how has the work we have supported contributed to strengthening UK civil society?

Eligibility: any qualified individual/s or organisations, including not-for-profit organisations, companies, and universities, who can demonstrate a strong understanding of the use of legal tools by civil society in the UK. Current or former employees of grantee organisations since 2016 are not eligible.

Budget: a maximum of £20,000 inclusive of all costs.

Deadline for tenders: Monday 5 August 2024, midday

Download the tender guidelines