The Baring Foundation is very pleased to announce that it has appointed a partnership consisting of academics Lisa Vanhala and Jacqui Kinghan (University College London) and New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), to take up the role of Learning Partner to the Strengthening the Voluntary Sector (STVS) programme.
The STVS programme was launched in 2015 and is a collaboration with the Legal Education Foundation and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. It aims to support civil society organisations to embrace the law and human rights based approaches as effective tools for achieving change for individuals and communities. It also aims to build sustainable collaborations that leverage existing legal expertise within the sector to ensure the use of these approaches is as effective as possible.
The Foundation has given over £2.4 million to date for projects that use the law and human rights based approaches to tackle discrimination and disadvantage faced by a variety of groups, including children and young people, women in maternity care, BAME women, migrants and refugees.
The Learning Partner will act as a critical friend to the Foundation, our funding partners and grantees – pulling together the threads of promising activity from projects, scanning the wider field, and proposing options for further commissioned research and convening. We hope over the course of three years, this work will significantly increase knowledge and understanding about how civil society can use the law and human rights based approaches most effectively.
We look forward to sharing more about the project in our newsletter and on our website in the coming months.