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1 March 2022

The people with lived experience are taking over the safer space (the lunatics are taking over the asylum): Leadership by experience

the vacuum cleaner
Artist and mental health activist, the vacuum cleaner, reflects on leadership of lived experience and why it matters.
21 February 2022

Open Arts: an NHS charity supporting mental health across Essex

Jo Keay, Open Arts
Part of Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Open Arts is a community based charity supporting mental health with a focus on creativity, inclusion and self-expression.
25 January 2022

Slippers to Stilettos: creativity, heritage and mental health in Norfolk

Melanie Tilford & Holly Sandiford
ArtAtWork's Slippers to Stilettos project brought local history and heritage together with a big dose of arts and creativity to support women's mental health.
8 December 2021

Arts, creativity and trauma

Harriet Lowe
Many of the organisations we know work creatively with people with post-traumatic stress, with mental health problems and trauma often deeply entwined. This blog explores arts and creativity particularly with veterans but more widely too.
29 November 2021

Arts and culture in every care setting: what staff, residents and relatives told us

Alison Teader, NAPA Arts in Care Homes
What would it require for all care homes to offer their residents access to relevant creative and cultural opportunities on a daily basis? And what do care home staff, residents and family members think?
9 November 2021

Creatively Minded and Practising Well

David Cutler
Over the last 18 months, we have been looking at the issue of artists' mental health and what we can do to support the artists we fund through our work. David Cutler sets out where we have got to.
1 November 2021

Can data help care services deliver older people’s creative and cultural rights?

Silva Siponkoski, AILI Network
Read about how the AILI Network in Finland are integrating data about individuals' cultural and creative habits and interests into care planning.
8 October 2021

Creatively Minded at the Museum

David Cutler
How are museums involving and engaging people with mental health problems in their work? Could more be doing so? David Cutler explores initiatives in the UK and in other countries.
5 August 2021

Amy Winehouse and her legacy: arts, addiction and mental health

David Cutler
The BBC's excellent documentary 'Reclaiming Amy' is not only a moving tribute, but a timely reminder of the importance of participatory arts for people living with addiction, and the need to support artists' mental health.
3 August 2021

Six things to know about our criminal justice funding

Jannat Hossain
Information for those applying to our new funding round to use legal action to address racial injustice in the criminal justice system.
Strengthening Civil Society