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3 July 2023

Write to Life: how creative writing can support refugees’ mental health

Sheila Hayman
Write to Life is a creative writing group for survivors of torture, running for an amazing 25 years. In this blog, its leader Sheila Hayman introduces the group and describes how writing can help survivors process trauma in particular.
16 June 2023

Finnish Culture Houses: beacons of hope

Markus Raivio, Kukunori, Finland
Finnish Culture Houses are creative spaces for young people with mental health challenges - based on principles of peer support, strengths not diagnoses, and voluntary action. There are now 20 across Finland.
23 May 2023

Scotland’s older artists’ bursaries: why older early-career artists need support

Anne Gallacher, Luminate
Luminate, Scotland's creative ageing development agency, has been offering bursaries to older early-career artists since 2017. Director Anne Gallacher explains why this is vital.
17 May 2023

IDAHOBIT Day 2023: LGBTI communities worldwide need support more than ever

David Sampson
We are proud to support an increasingly strong and vibrant movement for LGBTI rights across Sub-Saharan Africa - but in a context of worsening discrimination and violence in a number of countries in the region.
International Development
2 May 2023

Ageism and creative ageing

David Cutler
Is ageism in creative ageing something we should be considering more? David Cutler reflects.
20 April 2023

Not binary – creativity, rights and health

David Cutler
Arts for health or art for art's sake? Both! David Cutler explains why.
28 March 2023

“Music does wonders to me”: how Key Changes bring music into mental health

Christina Lake
Key Changes work in London, Manchester & other UK cities to offer people with mental health problems, in hospitals and in the community, creative music-making opportunities and employment in the cultural sector.
27 February 2023

Museums supporting mental health: Dulwich Picture Gallery

Jane Findlay, Kelly Robinson and Alex Bowie
Dulwich Picture Gallery is one of the museums and galleries leading the way in health and wellbeing. Jane, Kelly and Alex introduce Together Through Art which trains young people to work on the Gallery's schools' programmes.
8 February 2023

Past, present, and future: the Strengthening Civil Society programme

Jannat Hossain
In this blog, the Foundation’s Programmes Officer shares an update on our programme supporting UK civil society to use the law in their pursuit of social change, including our priorities for 2023.
Strengthening Civil Society
1 February 2023

‘Stop and Scan’: Mobilising against police use of biometric fingerprint and facial recognition technology

Racial Justice Network
These technologies are increasingly used by police forces, more often against racialised minorities, and data shared with immigration authorities. The #StopTheSCANdal campaign is exploring legal action to end their use. Find out more!
Strengthening Civil Society