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29 November 2023

Creatively Minded at the Cinema

David Cutler
There are relatively few examples of (good) film-making about mental health or participatory film-making for mental health: an area ripe for development?
9 November 2023

Artists Represent Recovery Network: training for diverse creatives into mental health

Rachel Nelken & Lydia Rose
Few artists from Global Majority communities work in mental health, despite being disproportionately represented among patients. ARRN is a group training & placement opportunity for artists who want to work in this field.
2 November 2023

Navigating the ‘evidence’ conundrum: a shared approach to evaluating creativity for mental health

Kat Taylor
Greater Manchester's i-THRIVE Arts, Culture and Mental Health programme evaluation kit for creative interventions for young people was co-developed by multiple stakeholders including clinicians and arts organisations.
23 October 2023

Could national government plans help develop creative ageing in the UK?

David Cutler
Finland has a national strategy which has helped it develop a much more proactive, consistent and strategic approach to creative ageing - could it work for the countries of the UK?
3 October 2023

Older artists as leaders: resisting ageism in creative ageing

Sian Stevenson
Sian Stevenson, creative director of Moving Memory Dance Company, explains why we need more creative programmes to be led and facilitated by older people.
21 September 2023

Mental health of arts professionals needs urgent action

David Cutler
The many stresses experienced by people working in the arts are frequently - and rightly - in the news. It's time for policymakers to step up to address this challenge.
15 August 2023

Children’s Arts and Mental Health Services? CAMHS and the arts working together

Harriet Lowe
Both CAMHS and the arts sector are under huge pressure but there are some inspiring examples of CAMHS/arts partnerships working together for the benefit of children and young people's mental health. Could there be more?
2 August 2023

The arts and ageing: an invitation to connection, inspiration and reflection

Donald Macaskill, Scottish Care
"What do you plan to do with ‘your one wild and precious life’"?? Highly recommended blog on the value of a creative (later) life by the CEO of Scottish Care, Donald Macaskill.
25 July 2023

Developing service users as participatory artists: BrightSparks

Tim Sayers
Tim Sayers, Arts in Mental Health Coordinator at Leicester Partnership NHS Trust, shares how they support service users and previous participants to develop skills as paid participatory artists.
13 July 2023

Arts and mental health – what about men?

David Cutler
Do men participate less in arts and mental health? Results of our investigations so far have been mixed, so we're doing some more research including a new report. If this is an area of interest for you, read on...