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All blog posts
29 January 2025

Review of 2024: a message from our Chair

Lucy de Groot CBE
Our Chair of Trustees, Lucy de Groot, reflects on the Baring Foundation's 2024.

Lucy’s message went out in our 2024 ‘Year in Review’ newsletter, which has replaced our traditional Report on Activities. You can sign up to future newsletters here.

There have been many challenges for civil society organisations over the past period as well as some important signs of hope and opportunity. In the UK we have a new government which has brought some energy and interest in working more closely with civil society. However, there remain many constraints and challenges, not least in the very difficult international political environment, with an increase in anti-democratic and extreme right-wing politics emerging across the globe.

As an independent human rights and social justice foundation, we are very conscious that it is the realities on the ground that matter not the political rhetoric. We continue to actively support the key work of independent civil society actors whether here in the UK or as part of our International Development programme.

Our three grant-giving programmes continued in 2025. All three are in different ways at critical junctures in their development.

The Arts programme (creative opportunities for and by people with mental health problems) has now been active for five years and, in line with our previous practice and our commitment to longer term funding, we have commissioned an independent evaluation to help steer the next five years.

In 2025, the Strengthening Civil Society programme will have been underway for 10 years. We have also commissioned an independent evaluation to help us decide on what the next steps should be for this programme.

2024 saw the first year of the major new international partnership fund for LGBTI rights, Equal, Safe and Free. This innovative fund works alongside the UK government via the FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) and other independent funders. The fund has now released multi-year grants to key regional players in sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation’s International Development programme will also have been running for 10 years in 2025 and trustees will be reviewing its future direction too.

I would like to thank my fellow Trustees for their commitment and guidance over the past year. The Chair of the Investment Committee, Jamie Jenkins, who has overseen the performance of our endowment, without which we could not provide the funds to our grant partners, stood down in September as his term of office came to an end. He remains a trustee. I am delighted that Toby Nangle has taken over the Chair. And together with two of my fellow trustees, I will be standing down in June 2025 having completed a full term as both a trustee and Chair.

We are appointing three new trustees, and Vicki Amedume and Judith Robertson will take over as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively from June 2025. They will be a great team and I am confident that the Board will go from strength to strength.

I would also like to thank our hosts the ING bank for their continuing generosity.

It is a bittersweet moment for me. I am immensely proud of the work of the Foundation and I am very grateful to the Director and all the staff who are highly committed, professional and effective in their work and in the support they give the Board. Above all, I feel very grateful that I have had the opportunity to meet partners and grantees who are engaged in some of the most difficult and sensitive situations. It is very humbling to recognise that I have played a small part in enabling the Foundation to provide support to such a wide range of groups and organisations focused on promoting social justice and human rights.