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All blog posts
30 May 2024

Pallant House Gallery’s Community Programme

Lucy Padley and Emily Robson
At 22 years old, Pallant House's community programme must be one of the - if not THE - longest running in any Gallery. Membership is long term and supports 200 adults with a range of needs, including mental health.

The Pallant House Gallery | Community Programme in Chichester, West Sussex is now in its 22nd year.  The programme currently supports over 200 adults from the local community, who have a range of support needs. The programme has a unique approach, focussing on people in an individualised and person centred manner.

The programme is founded on 5 core values, which underpin everything we do. These values were chosen when the programme was founded and have certainly stood the test of time.

The five values are:

  • To treat everyone fairly and equally.
  • To recognise that everyone is entitled to creative life.
  • To respect the individual and their creativity in whatever form it is presented.
  • To support the growth and development of people in a way that is best suited to them and their creativity.
  • To direct people towards what us most appropriate for their development whether at the Gallery or beyond.

These values are closely aligned to the social model of disability; it is the organisation and society that that needs to change and adapt rather than the individual.

Our commitment to our values means that we strive to work with people in a  way that isn’t swayed by trends or tokenisms; we believe this meaningful and embedded engagement will ensure that the people work  have full access to a rich creative life that would otherwise been unavailable to them.

What does the Community Programme offer?

  • We hold 8 weekly studio sessions. These workshops are for members to follow their own interests with the support of a trained Artist Facilitator. Staff match people into the group that best suits the individual’s needs and their interests.
  • A monthly group called Pallant Pathways gives people an opportunity to experience a session alongside their support worker or Social Prescriber before committing to joining the programme.
  • We run series of structured creative sessions and focus days that explore new techniques and practices.
  • There are regular opportunities to engage with the exhibitions and collection through tours and supported discussions.
  • Young Pallant Artists weekly session for 18-25s who have support needs.
  • 8 art trips a year, to offer new experiences and inspiration.
  • We offer a range of external and internal opportunities to exhibit work. Along with our annual fundraising exhibition in our studio, we have exhibitions in the main gallery spaces.
Artists take part in the Community Programme at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex. Photograph by Christopher Ison ©

What makes the programme distinctive?

A long-term opportunity

People join the programme in a range of different ways; this can be by self- referring or through the support of a local service such as a Social Prescriber or support worker. Once someone joins the programme, they can stay with us for as long as they choose. Life is complex and often for there are periods of time when members cannot attend, maybe because of physical or mental health. It offers a lot of reassurance to someone to say you aren’t going to lose your place if you aren’t here for a little while and you get to choose when you leave. It also means we can adapt and be responsive to peoples changing needs.

Artists take part in the Community Programme at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex. Photograph by Christopher Ison ©

Dropping the labels

People become part of the Community Programme for a wide range of reasons and may have multiple and fluctuating support needs. Not labelling or grouping individuals by disability or health condition allows a freedom and an anonymity for those who wish to be an artist first and leave any diagnosis at the door. As we work with individuals, outcomes are varied and specific to each person. We encourage people to follow their own personal interests and ideas and programme in response to these.

Partners in art

Our pioneering programme matches a trained volunteer with someone who would like some support to access a creative life. Matches are based on corresponding art interests. Some partnerships meet up to paint together, visit exhibitions or work collaboratively; each partnership is unique. The focus is on the art, not on someone’s support needs. The experience of working together is mutually beneficial and often supports individuals to make further connections in their creative lives outside of the Gallery.

We are committed to developing and seeking new opportunities and experiences for Community Programme members to connect with the Gallery and beyond. Looking to the year ahead we are also aiming to build capacity, so that we can reduce our waiting list.


“I have been able to engage with Art and my artistic self for the first time in years which has been so amazing for my sense of wellbeing. The gallery and the Community Programme is like a sanctuary and a total life line. I feel each time I come I am building on these positive experiences. I think these experiences spill over into more of my everyday life and the positivity grows.”

Community Programme Member 2024

Emily Robson and Lucy Padley are the Community Programme Managers at Pallant House.